After arriving to the home, the homeowner made me aware of her interest in getting a city tap installed and tying the house onto city water. The home currently has a well, however the homeowners have a large extensive garden that requires a lot of water. Which they plan on dedicating the Well to. The neighbors to the right of them converted to city several years ago. I began by locating their meter and gauging the distance it could be from the home. I called the City of Durham and got the order of operations of what needs to occur before they will get a city meter set. I spoke with Krystal with the Water Department, she explained a permit would need to be pulled, and that from there Durham could install the lateral off the main line, and set the meter. From there we can run the main line. At this time, she is getting prices for completing this work and will email the estimates to me. Our price will differ depending where the meter is set. The new main line could range from 115’ to over