After arriving to the home, the homeowner made me aware of an issue he has been experiencing with his well. The well periodically picks up iron/sediment after a heavy rain. This water stains fixtures and leaves a tint in the water. It’s also present in the sediment filter in the home. The homeowner has recently purchased the house from his sister, and he now rents it out to tenants. We began at the well, which he was wondering if sleeving, or cleaning the Well would help, it would but only temporarily and it may not do anything at all. I made him aware that his permeant solutions were with water treatment and filtration. I tested the water at an outside hose bib, the results were as follows: pH: 6.2 Hardness: 4 GPG Iron: 0 PPM With iron not currently being present, it would have to be that rain runoff flows through an iron deposit and picks up the color and iron. This is obvious when checking the toilet tank, and dishwasher. I gave the homeowner options with upfront pricing to solve t