Installation of PVC pipe to city tap sewer Will include Contacting and arranging installation of City tap Crush and Collabs current septic tank Will cover old tank area with straw and grass seed Would need deposit for City tap upfront nonrefundable $4000 Will include pumping tank again if necessary at that time One year membership 5-9-23 Arrived today to look over the job, the 811 markings and a location for the city tap. While on site we located the well to prevent any damage while digging. We also blocked off the leaving line of the tank to prevent water from coming back from the leech field. We also met with the public utilities on site and mapped out where the tap could go. They stated it would at least three says before it could be done. We then informed the customer of the plan and stated it would most likely be the first of next week before we actually begin digging for the new line. The customer stated that it was completely fine and we could proceed whenever. 5-15-23 Arrive