103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

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Benjamin K.

Benjamin K.

Job Checkin

Customers called us with a gutter issue from where a tree limb had damaged their gutters. I inspected their full property and also found hail damage to their gutters, downspouts, window screens and roof. Based on my hail damage inspection, I recommended that we go the insurance claim route and assisted them in filing an insurance claim. I met with their insurance adjuster onsite and he agreed to full replacement, full replacement of the gutters and downspouts, window screens and even fascias metal as well. We installed a CertainTeed Landmark Charcoal Black, limited-lifetime warrantied architectural shingle on the roof as well as brand new black gutters and downspouts. Customer loves the new updated look of the black roof, black drip edge and black gutters. We thoroughly enjoyed working with this customer throughout the entire process!

Customers called us with a gutter issue from where a tree limb had damaged their gutters. I inspected their full property and also found hail damage to their gutters, downspouts, window screens and roof.  Based on my hail damage inspection, I recommended that we go the insurance claim route and assisted them in filing an insurance claim. I met with their insurance adjuster onsite and he agreed to full replacement, full replacement of the gutters and downspouts, window screens and even fascias metal as well. We installed a CertainTeed Landmark Charcoal Black, limited-lifetime warrantied architectural shingle on the roof as well as brand new black gutters and downspouts. Customer loves the new updated look of the black roof, black drip edge and black gutters. We thoroughly enjoyed working with this customer throughout the entire process!