103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

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Olivia K.

Olivia K.

Job Checkin

Customer was referred to KEE Roofing for a full roof inspection due to a roof leak. Customer had reached out to her insurance company first to address the roof leak, and the insurance company approved to replace half the roof. The customer then called KEE Roofing and we worked directly with her insurance company to ensure all damages were estimated properly so we could restore her home back top pre-storm condition. After a difficult process, we were able to finish with a full roof replacement as well as take care of the interior damages!

Customer was referred to KEE Roofing for a full roof inspection due to a roof leak. Customer had reached out to her insurance company first to address the roof leak, and the insurance company approved to replace half the roof. The customer then called KEE Roofing and we worked directly with her insurance company to ensure all damages were estimated properly so we could restore her home back top pre-storm condition. After a difficult process, we were able to finish with a full roof replacement as well as take care of the interior damages!