103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

Have any feedback for us? We'd love to hear it! Call us at (864) 689-2401 and let us know how we are doing.

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Olivia K.

Olivia K.

Job Checkin

Customer called with a leak due to hail damage. The insurance company originally tried to only approve for half the roof to be replaced. Customer trusted KEE Roofing to assist her through the insurance claim process to ensure all damages were estimated for and repaired. We ended up with a full roof replacement and interior ceilings repairs due to the leak. Another successful restoration project!

Customer called with a leak due to hail damage. The insurance company originally tried to only approve for half the roof to be replaced. Customer trusted KEE Roofing to assist her through the insurance claim process to ensure all damages were estimated for and repaired. We ended up with a full roof replacement and interior ceilings repairs due to the leak. Another successful restoration project!