103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

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for greer, sc

Map of Greer SC
Benjamin K.

Benjamin K.

Job Checkin

This customer called in from Greer, SC after being referred to us by their sister. I performed my roof inspection and found hail damage on all slopes of the roof. I advised the customer to file a claim with ASI insurance. I meet with the adjustor, who also agreed they had severe hail damage to their roof. This customer was approved for a full roof replacement. This customer is so excited to have a full roof replacement coming soon!!!

This customer called in from Greer, SC after being referred to us by their sister. I performed my roof inspection and found hail damage on all slopes of the roof. I advised the customer to file a claim with ASI insurance.  I meet with the adjustor, who also agreed they had severe hail damage to their roof. This customer was approved for a full roof replacement.  This customer is so excited to have a full roof replacement coming soon!!!