103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

Have any feedback for us? We'd love to hear it! Call us at (864) 689-2401 and let us know how we are doing.

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Benjamin K.

Benjamin K.

Job Checkin

Michael called us from our Google Guaranteed listing with what seemed to be a leaking roof issue. Upon inspecting the roof, I found that his roof was actually in great shape. His leak was coming from a clogged gutter system, causing water to back up into the soffit and then into the house. I cleaned the clogged section of seamless gutters out for him while onsite, free of charge. Customer will call us down the road if he ever needs us again.

Michael called us from our Google Guaranteed listing with what seemed to be a leaking roof issue. Upon inspecting the roof, I found that his roof was actually in great shape. His leak was coming from a clogged gutter system, causing water to back up into the soffit and then into the house. I cleaned the clogged section of seamless gutters out for him while onsite, free of charge. Customer will call us down the road if he ever needs us again.