103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

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Benjamin K.

Benjamin K.

Job Checkin

KEE Roofing received a call from this customer who was needing a free roof inspection from a residential roofing company due to a leak in their bedroom. I went out and performed my ground and roof inspection and determined there was more than enough hail and wind damage to warrant a claim. The customer initially wanted an estimate for a roof repair but after seeing how much storm damage he had to his gutters, downspouts, window screens, siding, and shingles, he filed a claim with Allstate. He was approved and is now awaiting his new roof!

KEE Roofing received a call from this customer who was needing a free roof inspection from a residential roofing company due to a leak in their bedroom. I went out and performed my ground and roof inspection and determined there was more than enough hail and wind damage to warrant a claim. The customer initially wanted an estimate for a roof repair but after seeing how much storm damage he had to his gutters, downspouts, window screens, siding, and shingles, he filed a claim with Allstate. He was approved and is now awaiting his new roof!