103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

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Benjamin K.

Benjamin K.

Job Checkin

This customer came in through our online request form for a free storm damage inspection. They were having a possible roof leak in their living room. I went out to the home to inspect the roof and speak with the homeowner about the storm restoration process. I found hail damage to the downspouts, window screens, all soft metals on the roof as well as every slope of the roof. I showed photos of the damage to the customer and they filed an insurance claim with Allstate. The Insurance company sent an adjuster out to perform their own inspection to which they agreed there was hail damage and approved the customer for a full roof replacement. New roof coming soon!

This customer came in through our online request form for a free storm damage inspection. They were having a possible roof leak in their living room. I went out to the home to inspect the roof and speak with the homeowner about the storm restoration process. I found hail damage to the downspouts, window screens, all soft metals on the roof as well as every slope of the roof. I showed photos of the damage to the customer and they filed an insurance claim with Allstate. The Insurance company sent an adjuster out to perform their own inspection to which they agreed there was hail damage and approved the customer for a full roof replacement. New roof coming soon!