103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

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Brianna B.

Brianna B.

Job Checkin

This customer called in from Pelzer, SC to replace a roof on his gambrel style barn. The shingles were old and worn from wind damage, general wear and tear mixed with outside components can really dilapidate a roof. We put white drip edge on the full perimeter, replaced the turbine with a new black turbine, and finished off with these Certainteed, Landmark, Silver Birch shingles.

This customer called in from Pelzer, SC to replace a roof on his gambrel style barn. The shingles were old and worn from wind damage, general wear and tear mixed with outside components can really dilapidate a roof. We put white drip edge on the full perimeter, replaced the turbine with a new black turbine, and finished off with these Certainteed, Landmark, Silver Birch shingles.