103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

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for slater-marietta, sc

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Colin L.

Colin L.

Job Checkin

An online form for a free estimate was filled out by this customer. Upon speaking with the customer, he let us know that he would like to go the insurance route but if not then he would pay out of pocket for a full roof replacement. I went out to the home and completed my ground and roof inspection as to which I found hail damage to the downspouts, screens, siding, windows, and every slope of the roof. I informed the customer of my findings and showed him photos of the damage. He went ahead and filed an insurance claim with Travelers for Hail Damage. I also performed an emergency tarp repair on his roof while I was there as he was having a roof leak that was causing interior water damage. I met with the adjuster on site and the customer was approved for a new roof, siding, downspouts, interior repairs, etc. New roof coming soon!

An online form for a free estimate was filled out by this customer. Upon speaking with the customer, he let us know that he would like to go the insurance route but if not then he would pay out of pocket for a full roof replacement. I went out to the home and completed my ground and roof inspection as to which I found hail damage to the downspouts, screens, siding, windows, and every slope of the roof.  I informed the customer of my findings and showed him photos of the damage. He went ahead and filed an insurance claim with Travelers for Hail Damage. I also performed an emergency tarp repair on his roof while I was there as he was having a roof leak that was causing interior water damage. I met with the adjuster on site and the customer was approved for a new roof, siding, downspouts, interior repairs, etc. New roof coming soon!