103 Bruce Rd.
Greenville, SC 29605

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Brianna B.

Brianna B.

Job Checkin

This customer is a Fireman who definitely understood the importance of having an updated roof. They had called us from Google and already was approved through Travelers insurance. The customer was very happy to hear about what all comes with upgrading your roof. In the end the customer was super grateful and thankful to the KEE team, check out his 5-star review! #justcallKEE #yourhomeourmission

This customer is a Fireman who definitely understood the importance of having an updated roof. They had called us from Google and already was approved through Travelers insurance. The customer was very happy to hear about what all comes with upgrading your roof. In the end the customer was super grateful and thankful to the KEE team, check out his 5-star review! #justcallKEE #yourhomeourmission