9320 S. Pole Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73160
(405) 794-8900

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for wellston, ok


ISAAC J. Job Checkin

Isaac J. 7-30-24 Came out to call for a system not cooling properly, customer stated that the system had stopped working and the temperature was rising in the home. I checked the system over and found the filters dirty, evaporator coil dirty, float switch tripped and the outside unit not functioning properly due to a bad defrost control board. Discussed with customer about all problems that I have found on the system customer approved cleaning the evaporator coil, changing the filters and getting the part needed for the AC. I cleaned the evaporator coil of all the dust on it, and used coil cleaning spray to get the residual dust out. Changed the filters for customer. I was able to by pass the defrost controls to get a call for cooling to the contactor and wired the fan to contactor as well. AC is functional for the time being to get the customer some cooling. I will order the defrost board and come back out to replace it. Isaac J. 7-31-24 Came back out to install defrost control, wash

Jason B.

Jason B. Job Checkin

27JUN2024 Jason Brown Arrived for new customer no cool, spoke with the homeowner about their systems performance. It’s a year old, it was freezing up. We had another company out that said it may be a couple things, then never came back. Inspected equipment found evap very dirty. The dryer is not venting out of the house and the lint is clogging everything up. Removed filter brushed out floor under equipment. Pulled delta plate and cleaned evap coils with foaming cleaner and a short bristle brush. After cleaning reassembled equipment and cycled cooling. 18 degrees temperature. System is cooling properly now. Discussed equipment sizing, filtration, and airflow.

Joseph K.

Joseph K. Job Checkin

I arrived for a previous customer reevaluation after they had a electrician come out and get proper power to the condenser. I spoke with the homeowner and found that the thermostat was changing the temperature at random times and they have to keep resetting it. I inspected the system and found the thermostat to have a factory program and this was the cause of the system changing the temperature to a different setting. Once I programmed the thermostat to the homeowners preference I inspected the condenser. I found the system to be running but it was running low on refrigerant. I made this aware to the homeowner and explained that the system is low and I have options on preforming a leak search or just adding refrigerant. We decided to add what refrigerant is needed to get the system running properly. I added 1 pound 12 OZ of R22 to the system.

Joseph K.

Joseph K. Job Checkin

No cool service call. Joe(JC)Ritchal. 04/05/2023 I arrived the call and the customer said that the system was blowing air but it wasn’t cold. I found that the system had very little refrigerant and I got the go ahead from the customer to perform a leak search. I didn’t have enough nitrogen to compete the leak search and someone with need to come out to complete the search. I talked with the customer and made them aware of the fact that we well need to come back tomorrow. Jake Kring 04-06-2023. I inspected the system and added nitrogen to the empty system and found the system to only pressure up on the high side line. I blew nitrogen into the suction line and found it to flow freely through the system and exit out the high side line. I then added nitrogen to the high side line and found the pressure to rise up to 500 psi quickly and not exit the low side line. I found the TXV to be closed permanently. I made this aware to the homeowner and we decided to order the new TXV and install

Joseph K.

Joseph K. Job Checkin

I arrived for a new customer no cool call. I spoke with the homeowner and found that the system is not cooling as it should. We discussed what the previous company may have done to the system and what they think the system needs. I inspected the indoor and outdoor system and found the evaporator coil to be dirty along with the blower wheel. I then inspected the outdoor system and found the system to be holding some pressure in the system but the disconnect only has 112 volt on one leg. I informed the homeowner that the system can’t run for me to properly check the systems electrical components and the refrigerant charge at this time. I recommended to have a electrician out to inspect the system and see what it will take to get proper power out to the condenser. The diagnostic fee is good for 30 days and there will not be a additional diagnostic fee if we need to come back within that same 30 days to finish the diagnostics on the system.


ISAAC J. Job Checkin

Arrived and found condenser thick with ice removed ice and turned on found system with a bad txv system is an r22 and holds 11.5lbs of refrigerant the condenser fan is running at 1.1a and overheats at 1.0a pressures where equalized and where reading 650psi on both sides the systems are all electric both systems are three ton and both systems are lacking in return air each has two twelve inch duct which is 1000 CFM system should have 1200 or more for correct cooling/heating capacity the indoor air handlers match the out door customers bought the house in sept before they signed the temperature differential was wrong and so they made someone come out to service them and converted the second heat pump to R407C I instructed the customer on why this was bad and how it was bad for the system and how the probability of system failure because the drops refrigerant went up a lot and recommend replacing both at the same time due to the probability of that system failing because of the dropped in