401 N Kinston Blvd
Pink Hill, NC 28572
(252) 210-4554

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for havelock, nc

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for Rice King near 4535 Carteret Rd, Havelock, NC 28532, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for Godette Child Development Center near 125 Godette School Rd, Havelock, NC 28532, USA, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for China Inn near 518 US-70, Havelock, NC 28532, USA, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for Rice King near 4535 Carteret Rd, Havelock, NC 28532, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for Rice King near 4535 Carteret Rd, Havelock, NC 28532, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for Godette Child Development Center near 125 Godette School Rd, Havelock, NC 28532, USA, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for AMC CLASSIC Havelock 6 near 500 McCotter Blvd, Havelock, NC 28532, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for Rice King near 4535 Carteret Rd, Havelock, NC 28532, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for Jersey Mike's Subs - Havelock near 288 US-70, Havelock, NC 28532, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for China Inn near 518 US-70, Havelock, NC 28532, USA, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for China Inn near 518 US-70, Havelock, NC 28532, USA, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

pablo d.

pablo d. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for China Inn near 518 US-70, Havelock, NC 28532, USA, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system. Ask for our Filters Exchange program.

Donnovan J.

Donnovan J. Job Checkin

Restaurant hood cleaning for Jersey Mike's Subs - Havelock near 288 US-70, Havelock, NC 28532, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system.

Cristian D.

Cristian D. Job Checkin

Commercial kitchen exhaust cleaning for China Inn near518 US-70, Havelock, NC 28532, USA, our service includes hood cleaning, kitchen fan cleaning, and hood duct system.

Cristian D.

Cristian D. Job Checkin

During the restaurant hood cleaning our technicians found some deficiencies: The exhaust fan will require some hinge kits as well a grease containment system to collect all the grease that currently is leaking at the roof which is a fire hazard.

During the restaurant hood cleaning our technicians found some deficiencies: The exhaust fan will require some hinge kits as well a grease containment system to collect all the grease that currently is leaking at the roof which is a fire hazard.