20-205 Wicksteed Ave
Toronto , ON M4G0B1

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Keith W.

Keith W. Job Checkin

Service Radiator Manifold and Veissmann boiler

Service Radiator Manifold and Veissmann boiler

Keith W.

Keith W. Job Checkin

Install Kingston Brass Faucet

Install Kingston Brass Faucet

Keith W.

Keith W. Job Checkin

Repair Toto toilet

Repair Toto toilet

Jonathan M.

Jonathan M. Job Checkin

Troubleshoot heating system

Troubleshoot heating system

Claudio D.

Claudio D. Job Checkin

Shower issues

Shower issues

Claudio D.

Claudio D. Job Checkin

Shower issues

Shower issues

Jonathan M.

Jonathan M. Job Checkin

Training at Uponor display booth

Training at Uponor display booth

Claudio D.

Claudio D. Job Checkin

Plumbing leak through ceiling

Plumbing leak through ceiling

Claudio D.

Claudio D. Job Checkin

Toilet issues

Toilet issues

Jonathan M.

Jonathan M. Job Checkin

Investigate blocked catch basin

Investigate blocked catch basin

Jonathan M.

Jonathan M. Job Checkin

Picking up Rubinet handshower for customer. Always spend a bit more for quality if you can. Way better feel than the plastic fixtures sold at big box stores.

Picking up Rubinet handshower for customer. Always spend a bit more for quality if you can. Way better feel than the plastic fixtures sold at big box stores.

Jonathan M.

Jonathan M. Job Checkin

Picking up some repair parts for a customer here at Rubinet. Might pick up some of these consent forms to keep in my truck :)

Picking up some repair parts for a customer here at Rubinet. Might pick up some of these consent forms to keep in my truck :)