980 S. Cass Lake Rd
Waterford, MI 48328

Local Reviews
for novi, mi

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 34 customer reviews

Map of Novi MI

Thermostat was not working. There was no heat. Temps were dropping 10/14/19 to freezing.

Appointments were not available until 10/15/19. Courtney took my cell # so Darrell could call me. Darrell called and was so concerned about the temperature drop.He recommended getting an energizer battery. He also said to call him back if there was a problem installing the battery. I installed the batteries without a problem and called Darrell to thank him for his kindness and concern. Without Courtney and Darrell, Monday night could have been unbearable. Thank you Courtney and Darrell for your superb Customer Service. Adrienne Novi, MI.