1245 Thompson Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

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Local Reviews
for davenport, ca

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 2 customer reviews

Crazy expensive

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Great service.

Completed the job as stated and in quick time. I feel the labor charge a little high.

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Job Locations
for davenport, ca

Nick R.

Nick R. Job Checkin

Water heater

Water heater

Arnulfo A.

Arnulfo A. Job Checkin

Toilet install

Miguel F.

Miguel F. Job Checkin

Drain cleaning

Miguel F.

Miguel F. Job Checkin

Drain cleaning,clean out installation

Juan R.

Juan R. Job Checkin

Sewer lateral inspection

Jorge O.

Jorge O. Job Checkin

Tankless water heater

Arnulfo A.

Arnulfo A. Job Checkin

Main line stoppage

Jorge O.

Jorge O. Job Checkin

Shower valve

Arnulfo A.

Arnulfo A. Job Checkin

Line stoppage

Arnulfo A.

Arnulfo A. Job Checkin

Sink strainer replacement

Enrique R.

Enrique R. Job Checkin

Perform sewer video inspection.

Perform sewer video inspection.

Jorge O.

Jorge O. Job Checkin

Pull and reset toilet

Jorge O.

Jorge O. Job Checkin

Drain cleaning

Eric S.

Eric S. Job Checkin

Diagnostic service for a propane water heater that needed to have the pilot relit over and over again. The problem was that there was not enough gas pressure to the home, I adjusted the regulator and now the pressure is perfect and all appliances are working great.

Diagnostic service for a propane water heater that needed to have the pilot relit over and over again. The problem was that there was not enough gas pressure to the home, I adjusted the regulator and now the pressure is perfect and all appliances are working great.

Enrique R.

Enrique R. Job Checkin

Water heater repair. Install new gas control valve

Water heater repair. Install new gas control valve