1245 Thompson Ave
Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Have any feedback for us? We'd love to hear it! Call us at (831) 777-2942 and let us know how we are doing.

Local Reviews
for freedom, ca

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 customer reviews

Great customer service!

The most professional plumbing service we've ever had. They respond immediately, identify the problem, provide an estimate, & fix it. Their prices are reasonable & their customer service & professionalism is number one.

  • Overall Experience
  • Quality
  • Price
  • Convenience

Job Locations
for freedom, ca

Nick R.

Nick R. Job Checkin

Water heater

Water heater

Nick R.

Nick R. Job Checkin

Water heater

Water heater

Nick R.

Nick R. Job Checkin

Shower drain line

Shower drain line

Nick R.

Nick R. Job Checkin

Shower head

Shower head

Sergio R.

Sergio R. Job Checkin

Estimate for new wall heater

Miguel T.

Miguel T. Job Checkin

Repaired water leaks

Repaired water leaks

Ramiro M.

Ramiro M. Job Checkin

Phone call

Miguel F.

Miguel F. Job Checkin

Leak repair estimate

Ramiro M.

Ramiro M. Job Checkin

Garbage disposal

Miguel F.

Miguel F. Job Checkin

Tankless water heater diagnostic

Ramiro M.

Ramiro M. Job Checkin

Kitchen faucet installation

Ramiro M.

Ramiro M. Job Checkin

Main line stoppage

Arnulfo A.

Arnulfo A. Job Checkin

Installed new pressure regulator

Arnulfo A.

Arnulfo A. Job Checkin

Estimates for new Rinnai tankless water heater

Arnulfo A.

Arnulfo A. Job Checkin

Installed new toilet