10651 SC Hwy 14
Gray Court, SC 29645

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Local Reviews
for greenville, sc

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 4 customer reviews


The care and expert service I received on January 8th and again today was unmatched. I am fully satisfied with the work performed by the staff at Precision and look forward to working with them again with any future HVAC service needs.

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Larry very profeessional always is.

Mr. Larry is always great been out to home with our heating and new air unit. If he arrives you can always depend on a knowledgeable, experienced, maintenance man. Precision is lucky to have him.

Response from Precision Greenville Heating & Cooling:

Sharon, Thanks for your business and taking the time to do this review. I agree, we are very lucky to have Larry on our team.

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Professional and Great Service

Use them for my home and work maintenance and service. I refuse to use anyone else! Ethical and very professional! Top Shelf company, David only hires dependable and honest service reps, I’ve met most of his staff.

Response from Precision Greenville Heating & Cooling:

Tom, Thanks so much for your business and taking the time to review our company. It is much appreciated.

  • Overall Experience
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  • Convenience

Great service

Were very quick when responding to a call for service. I have recommended them to several people.

Response from Precision Greenville Heating & Cooling:

Mary, Thanks so much for you business and for taking the time to do this review. We appreciate you recommending us.

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  • Convenience

Job Locations
for greenville, sc

David D.

David D. Job Checkin

Replacement of carrier split natural gas furnace air-conditioning system

Replacement of carrier split natural gas furnace air-conditioning system

Dakota B.

Dakota B. Job Checkin

No ax call

No ax call

Dakota B.

Dakota B. Job Checkin

Capacitor install

Capacitor install

Dakota B.

Dakota B. Job Checkin



David D.

David D. Job Checkin

Repairs to Goodman split system heat pump downtown Greenville, South Carolina

David D.

David D. Job Checkin

Repair refrigerant leak on condensing unit on rooftop Ruud Lennox Trane right and then

Repair refrigerant leak on condensing unit on rooftop Ruud Lennox Trane right and then

Dakota B.

Dakota B. Job Checkin

Service with David

David D.

David D. Job Checkin

Repairs to Lennox split system heat pump

Repairs to Lennox split system heat pump

David D.

David D. Job Checkin

Repairs to 2 1/2 ton Lennox split system heat pump, reversing valve and compressor

Repairs to 2 1/2 ton Lennox split system heat pump, reversing valve and compressor

Larry  C.

Larry C. Job Checkin

Spring maintenance

Larry  C.

Larry C. Job Checkin

Spring maintenance on package unit

David D.

David D. Job Checkin

Repairs to Rheem & Ruud &Trane & Lennox Carrier & Bosch

Repairs to Rheem & Ruud &Trane & Lennox Carrier & Bosch

Larry  C.

Larry C. Job Checkin

Spring maintenance on heat pump

David D.

David D. Job Checkin

Went out to look at a customer's hot water heater. Discovered that the system's issue was caused by the unit's pilot light not being lit. The pilot light was relight to bring the water heater back to working order.

David D.

David D. Job Checkin

Installation of a new route split system heat pump

Installation of a new route split system heat pump