We got the Units on 2016 we have not had a complete service since, all the agents that have come are not preparade this time James said they will call us sinse the24th of September we haven't receive a call or nothing We are tired of calling and asking them for there services
Getting ready to perform repair on trane ac system
Getting ready to perform repair on trane ac system
Getting ready to perform repair on trane ac system
Getting ready to perform repair on trane ac system
Getting ready to perform maintenance on Lennox furnace
Diagnosing ac system with an intermittent issue of turning off
If problems persist cooling txt will need to be replaced. Unit off on low pressure but could not reproduce conditions. Mounted txt bulb between suction and discharge on reversing valve to open txt. 11 sc 13 sh when I left
Found variable speed condenser fan motor wiring molex plug not making a good connection and causing intermittent fan failure. Removed connector and butt crimp spliced wiring. Unit working normally.
Replaced 40uf compressor run cap and tested system. System working normally.