2305 North 7th Ave
Tucson, AZ 85705

Local Reviews
for peoria, az

Job Locations
for peoria, az

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Service York

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Service unknown r22 unit

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Service mobile home split

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Service Lennox

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

4 Ton Gas Package Install with sealed off return run.

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Change zone board and 3 stats

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Need to call with quote on 3 stats and zone and maintenance sign up paid 129$ Todd’s repai

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Installed a 4 ton split gas system

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin


Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Replace contacter

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Installed a vertical heat pump split system

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Check system everything worked fine and is good charge is good temp splits good

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Try to locate file order could not locate everything smells fine. Tenant did have reptile cages could be the source.

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Installed new gas split system

Ronald  B.

Ronald B. Job Checkin

Ductwork cleaning