42949 Madio St.
Indio, CA 92201
(760) 360-2202

Have any feedback for us? We'd love to hear it! Call us at (760) 910-7600 and let us know how we are doing.

Job Locations
for coachella, ca

Map of Coachella CA
Amador  C.

Amador C.

Job Checkin

Upon a rebel phone thermostat displaying error code low pressure switch Went to condenser and found error code E411 display heart lockout, check history found low pressure switch, in the past we’ve added, refrigerant Courtesy Opened evaporator to inspect coil and found oil all over pan and found where the leak is at. Spoke with client on repair options, will follow up with client Monday morning after speaking with Lennox see if we can get that evaporator under warranty.