Pulled unit apart and checked switches, found no signs of damage. Checked additional wires and found wire rubbed through. Repaired wire, found no power to unit, breaker was tripped. Reset and fired unit up, found gauge fitting leaks and need new fitting, site glass and customer would like filters changed and unit de-scaled. Will obtain parts and return to de-scale and replace part. 1-22-18 Drained the unit down open up and put scale remover inside and closed back up and filled. The unit has a lot of scale build up and will need additional cleaning after this service call. The unit should be treated more often in order get rid of the scale and keep it cleaned. This unit is very old and will need to be replaced Kin The near future. I changed out the scale stick, water filter and site glass gaskets. I flushed the boiler multiple times and then checked for leaks and it was good. I tried the firing up the unit and it wouldn't fire. I found a bad connection on one of the probes and replac