1833 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17103
(717) 236-9039

Job Locations
for saylorsburg, pa

Map of Saylorsburg PA
Service C.

Service C.

Job Checkin

Checked BLodgett bottom deck oven. pilot was out,tried to lite but kept going out with good pilot flame present. pulled t couple from safety and cleaned heavy cote of carbon from tip that goes in safety. tested ,had 30.4 mv DC. put back in and lit pilot, it held. noticed yellow tips on burner flame. opened air shutter until flame was blue but not rising off burner. let heat for 30 min. turned down knob and set by pass. turned back up and put temp probe in oven. was reading 350 and climbing. turned stat dial back to below low setting before it went into lo flame. t stat is on or off. unit is not safe to use. told them that. unit down and requires part. 9/10/20 Had to shut gas bottles off outside. removed safety and t stat manifold. took to truck and removed old t stat. installed New t stat. took inside and reassembled manifold. turned gas back on. tested for leaks. lit pilot and turned t stat to 350. retested for leaks ,none present. let come to 350 and set by pass. brought to 500 , pi