1833 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17103
(717) 236-9039

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for tamaqua, pa

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for tamaqua, pa

Mark B.

Mark B. Job Checkin

Arrived on, Apw four bank hot well, second from left well drawing 6amps rather that the 4.5 amps it should. Will return with new element. Advised staff not to use this well. The other three wells are heating it properly. Returned on, 9/13/23 Dan Checked in with Emily the director. She gave me the go ahead to replace the element. Shut off breaker. Removed cover panel. Accessed defective element #3 from the left. Disconnected wiring and removed element. Installed, wired in, remounted element pan. Powered on to test. Measured 4.4 amps being drawn. Reinstalled cover panel. Allowed steam table to heat to a period to make sure breaker wouldn’t trip. Breaker never tripped and well satisfied. Job complete all four wells are heating at This time.

Mark B.

Mark B. Job Checkin

2/10/22 - Turned on oven. Burner is orange. There is soot on the burner. Removed burner and washed. Rinsed all soot out of burner. Dried and blew out the holes. Cleaned orifice. Reinserted the burner. Turned on. Now flame is blue. John verified. Back in service. 10” LP.

Mark B.

Mark B. Job Checkin

Arrived at location on 6/30/21 - Removed 2 old fryers and installed new Cecilware fryer. Hooked up gas. Customer wanted to reuse the old gas hose. Checked it over and there were no leaks. Hose is dirty. Turned on gas and checked for leaks. None detected. Gas pressure at 10 " LP. Set thermostat to 350. Heated and maintaining temp. Back in service.

Service C.

Service C. Job Checkin

Checked out Convection Oven. when oven is turned on, pilot lights but when thermostat is turned on, valves click but burners don''t light. found that safety switch thermocouple is not cherry red and not sending voltage to burner valve. if power turned on and wait til thermocouple is red burners light when thermostat is turned on. cleaned pilot. was a little dirty. explained to customer that safety switch can''t be replaced due to fact that is mercury switch. also told customer to power on oven in morning, set thermostat to off, and wait a few minutes for thermocouple to heat. now powered on, pilot lights, wait til thermocouple is cherry red. turn thermostat to 350 degrees. burners light, but valve keeps clicking. found if safety switch is moved by hand, clicking stops. made a bracket to prop up safety switch. let unit cool down. powered on. let thermocouple heat. turned on burners. burners lit. no clicking sound. unit heated to set temp of 350 degrees. cycled. no clicking from valves.

Service C.

Service C. Job Checkin

Esspresso Machine Unit operational. When steaming milk the noise gets too loud. Found the Teflon tube in the steam wand has a hole. Spoke to Nuovo and Dave said they were told by the customer that when they cleaned the aerator hole at the top of the steam wand they pushed the pin in too far and it punctured the Teflon tube. Will need a new tube. Also Rachel wants a new shower screen, gasket and screw. Will obtain and return. 12/7/18 Installed new screen, gasket, screw and tuning. Customer already removed the old tuning. Did not know how line the tuning is supposed to be. Different lengths give different bubble. Had to use trial and error until we got the correct length. Customer happy with results. Back in service.

Service C.

Service C. Job Checkin

Left platen ran up to top limit. Unhooked actuator and ran it down using a battery. Ran up to temp so it would self calibrate. Unit reached temp and self calibrated.

Service Check-In ..

Service Check-In .. Job Checkin

Garland Clamshell Service Performed 7/9/15 Changed Motor linear actuator