Our service tech was very informative. He was very pleasant.
Bill Beers has always done a great job here at Colonial Courtyard Tyrone. Very professional, explains what's going on before and after.
Bill does and excellent job every time he services our facility.
Showed up early good thing. Provided great service and was patient waiting for last extinguisher.
Sprinkler Service Call install supervisor switch
Book store & the old nail store will be open If you have any questions, call Brenden @814-207-6725 Backflow and Sprinkler Inspection
look at Flow Switches on 2nd & 3rd Floors- per Brenda Fire Pump Inspection
Confirmed with Leslie Campbell. Full flow dry due in 2024 Backflow, Fire Pump, and Sprinkler Inspection
Confirmed for 9/11/24 in the afternoon Sprinkler and Backflow Inspection
confirmed with Scott Backflow, Fire Hydrant, Fire Pump, and Sprinkler Inspection
NEW ACCOUNT- TAke paperwork point of contact is Steve Briskar and the phone number is 814-777-0866 Backflow Inspection
Andy 814-404-8762 Notice of Non Compliance and Repair Proposal Liberty Fire Solutions recently inspected/serviced the fire sprinkler system at your establishment in accordance with applicable state statutes, local fire codes and NFPA guidelines. While inspecting/servicing your fire sprinkler system, it was determined to be "Non-Compliant" per local fire codes. The attached proposal summarizes the non-compliance issues that were found during the inspection/service and the costs and actions needed to correct them. The sprinkler systems are due for a 3 year pressure test of the dry system per NFPA 25. NFPA 25 REQUIREMENTS FOR YEAR TESTING: NFPA With the system at normal system pressure, shut off the air source (compressor) for 4 hours. If the low air pressure alarm goes off within this period, the air leaks shall be addressed. Notice of Three Year Dry Sprinkler System Pressure Test Proposal Liberty Fire Solutions recently inspected/serviced the fire sprinkler system at your est
Confirmed with Justin for Sept 10th @830 Quarterly sprinkler Wet & Dry
confirmed with Gary for afternoon Industrial/Dry Chemical Suppression and Sprinkler Inspection