DROP OFF TO RICK BOLINGER at Bedford Ford Parts dept. Customer DOES want a 5lb to replace the condemned EXT
Danyelle called needing 2 50lb co2 Pick up empties Portable Extinguishers Service Call
Annual Extinguisher Inspection Equip Desc: (2) ABC(s) (1) Class K(s) Semi-Annual Kitchen Suppression Inspection Equip Desc: RANGE GUARD RG4GS -- KITCHEN Deficiency for RANGE GUARD RG4GS 4G, 4G KITCHEN: Pull station needs lowered Cable detection line is frayed in control box and crimps need removed Plenum nozzles are more than 6" from end of hood Detection line and piping through both hood need seals. Griddle nozzles needs repositioning from edges Lower pull station Replace cable from control box to first link 1 3/8 compression seal ( 3/8 pipe) 1 1/2 compression seal ( conduit) 8 elbows 4 nipples 30' cable 12" conduit 2 swivels 1 stick 3/8 pipe