Cleaned and serviced furnace. Tested all mechanical parts. Inducer motor is making a very loud noise. Giving customer estimates for new inducer and new furnace. This is last visit on maintenance program.
Plumbing and AC repair. Replace customer supplied lavatory faucet, 2nd floor bath and repair drain. Replace lawn faucet. Clean and inspect AC unit.
AC unit maintenance for safe, efficient operation. AC capacitor testing shows weakness. It provides the initial jolt of electricity your air conditioner's motors need to run successfully. It stores electricity and sends it to your system's motors in powerful bursts that get your unit revved up as it starts the cooling cycle. Customer declined replacing capacitor before it fails.
Commercial drain cleaning. When I arrived on site I talked to Denise and found both women's and mens room backing up out of floor drains. Floor drain in janitors closet backed up, and dispatchers wash room and drivers wash room where backed up. I found floor cleanout by the drinking fountains and janitor closet. I removed drain cover, cut out 4 inch abs plug, power rod main drain line and hit a problem about 20 to 30 ft out. I ran the rod back and forth until water started to move. I ran janitor closet sink, let rod run and flushed all toilets a few times. Main sewer drain is open. I can hear water running in the main. Also I cleaned up around all floor drains and flushed trap with a 5 gallon bucket to clean out any paper and waste out of floor trap. Mop up area install 4 inch gripper plug in floor clean out and reinstall cover.
Clean and check furnace system. Signed customer up for a service agreement. Replaced run capacitor on furnace blower motor. Explained to customer how the dampers in the ductwork work. Adjusted gas pressures, two stage furnace.
Kitchen sink repair. Anchor sink to counter, hook up hot and cold supply lines, hook up sink waste line, test operation.... all parts cs
Installation of new dryer vent. Clogged clothes dryer vents increases drying costs and shortens the life of your dryer. When lint accumulates in an exhaust duct, it reduces the dryer’s ability to expel heated water vapor causing heat energy to build up within the machine. As the dryer overheats, mechanical failures can trigger sparks, which can cause lint trapped in the dryer vent to burst into flames. Fires generally originate within the dryer but spread by escaping through the ventilation duct, incinerating trapped lint, and following its path into the building wall.