Came out here to look at sweating supply vent but upon further inspection, I found that the whole air handler unit had condensation built up all around it on the sides of the air handler all over the supply Plenum running down the return side underneath the air handler. It sits on a piece of plywood that plywood is starting to get wet and running down into the return Plenum. We replaced the duck Work and there’s only one Supply vent condensating, and it’s in the bathroom in the master bedroom it started condensating not even a week ago. Customer said. I opened up the air handler and the air handlers insulation is coming apart. This supply Plenum needs to be replaced. Also, Blair‘s air conditioning installed this unit and when they did they installed the Remi halo UV light. That is also leaking air from where they installed that. The drain line is impacted and I cannot clear it. The AC is set to 72° I had it turned off for five or 10 minutes and it went to 77°. It is very hot upstairs.