3100 39th Ave North
St. Petersburg, FL 33714

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for belleair beach, fl

Rated 3.7 out of 5 stars based on 3 customer reviews

Good job. Great personality

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Charged for correcting their mistake.

Brian has been great. Office and scheduling not good.

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for belleair beach, fl

Casey K.

Casey K. Job Checkin

Overlook job took pictures and got information to build. Initial quote for customer.


jweidner@cassidyac.com Job Checkin

Installed surge protector and condensation pump.

Wade H.

Wade H. Job Checkin

Concern, Says unit is not cooling. Cause, Found nothing wrong with unit cooling properly. Customer has huge windows in front of master causing a huge heat index. Also 90+ degree weather there only so much a mini split can do. Correction, Told customer that during maintenance ( Whenever we schedule it that we will rinse condenser, but there’s really not much we can do pressures and TD are perfect.

Wade H.

Wade H. Job Checkin

Parts return to install condenser coil. I recharge the system after placing system on a vacuum to achieve 400 µm and recharge system with 14.11 ounces of refrigerant to achieve a 22° temp split and 8° sub cooling.

Wade H.

Wade H. Job Checkin

Both indoor and outdoor units were running upon arrival. Temperature split of 6.4° with 75.5 coming out of the supply. System has a refrigerant leak which was visible inside of the condensing unit. I re-verified with electronic leak detector along with the customer. Customer decided to fill the system back up so they can cool for as long as they can until the work and repair is completed. Customer also approved for us to move forward with ordering the condensing coil. Model number CBA 25UH -036–230–01 serial number is 1519H19095.

Wade H.

Wade H. Job Checkin

Materials added. 45/5 capacitor and two pure air X bulb replacements. Notes: performed for system tuneup. Unit was in heat mode at 73°. Explained the heat pump is creating condensation on the outdoor unit to the customer. Inspected all electrical components in cycled heating and cooling mode. Unit is a 2019 system and is equipped with two UVC germicidal bulbs. Summary: there is no date on the Pure Air X. The supply Plenum bulb is burnt, and I suggest replacement on each bulb. The outdoor capacitor is outside standard factory range. I recommend replacement to help prevent premature breakdown. I also suggest adding a primary float safety switch in case of a clogged drain. A $25 coupon was applied to the capacitor and $100 coupon was applied for the UV bulb replacements. I collected signatures and payment. This job has been completed. Thank you for choosing Total Air!

Nathan R.

Nathan R. Job Checkin

Complete prime maintenance on (2) ac systems. I inspected filter locations and changed all customer supplied filters. I cleared and flushed both drain lines with vacuum and water. I performed routine maintenance on all pieces of equipment. System 1 Downstairs: All parts and components are working properly. The air handler cabinet is clean. All indoor air quality products are working properly. System 2 Upstairs: When checking refrigerant pressures I found the system low on refrigerant. I offered to complete a leak search to pinpoint the leak. Vijay accepted. I found the evaporator coil to be leaking. I have added a video of my leak detection. We will need to order the coil and schedule the repair with Vijay. Air handler equipment info: Model- AVPEC59D14AB Serial- 1707481607 Moving forward the office will call for scheduling. Thank you for choosing Total Air!

Wade H.

Wade H. Job Checkin

Customer says periodically she has a very corroded smell that she smells in the air in a particular area of the home. Did a walk-through with customer and adjusted the humidity level from 65 to 55% on the downstairs thermostat. Customer changed it on her upstairs thermostat. She does not notice any difference in cooling, doesn’t notice the system struggling to cool on either upstairs or downstairs unit. My Professional opinion is that there is nothing wrong with either air conditioning system. She lives on the water and it is quite possible that a lizard or something small got inside and maybe have perished. When the air conditioning system is running it’s pushing air through the home so maybe every once in a while she catches a wiff of the smell. Both thermostats have achieved temperatures that were set. Customer will call us if there are any cooling or heating issues. Both systems are cooling properly at this time.

Jeff B.

Jeff B. Job Checkin

Replaced all uv lights in both systems. Tested all lights successfully. Job complete

Wade H.

Wade H. Job Checkin

Called out today to perform a precision tune up. Checked all indoor and outdoor electronics and motor components to ensure equipment is operating correctly within manufacture specifications. Checked filter and cleared drain line. Measured the temperature drop across the coil. Tightened all wire connections. Outside I removed the panels from the unit and cleaned the coil. Vacuumed drain line from outside port. Educated homeowners on the importance of annual maintenance as well as member pricing on repairs, replacement and service trip charges. Equipment is operating properly at this time. Applied tune up coupon for todays visit. Thank you for always choosing Total Air!


matt@totalairinc.net Job Checkin

Performed maintenance on 2 mini split systems 6 heads in total. All electrical components are within factory spec. All heads are functioning mechanically. Pressures are at correct levels. All heads have heavy growth in them. Home owner renewed her TAPS membership and purchased service to have all 6 heads cleaned. Office will call to schedule an appointment for cleanings. 2 technicians on job preferred due to amount of cleanings.

Antonio D.

Antonio D. Job Checkin

All head units deltas are within range filters that need to be cleaned were cleaned drainage was cleared all these units are operational at this time no faults found.

Jason D.

Jason D. Job Checkin

Installed 2 new germacidial bulbs, 2 new economy bulbs, and 2 oxidizer bulbs. Also delivered filters. Left 2 systems in good working order.

Jason D.

Jason D. Job Checkin

Installed 2 new whole house germicidal units in 2 systems. Cycled and inspected equipment. Left systems in good working order.

Josh W.

Josh W. Job Checkin

Tear out old unit install new Bosch 5 ton unit on top of new coffin box top installation install new plenum new heat shield install new condenser on raised slab on side of house connect start up add to lb of 410A to condenser started up everything running perfectly customers happy paid up and we're done