Because of the higher end energy efficient equipment that you have and the fact that you’re on the water, it is suggested to have some type of surge protection between the power source and the condensing unit. This will aid in protecting the equipment from being shorted out due to any type of power surge. This will also regulate the amount of amp draw that the compressor and outdoor fan take while they are running. Below is an estimate to have search protection added to each one of the power disconnects on the condensing units. Price includes maintenance discount. After customer authorized installation, I installed a RS 50 on each of the higher and condensing units. This is unit number one and number two. Completed maintenance on all three units. Checked pressures, amp draw and capacitance. Only suggestion was to add surge protection, which customer accepted. Rinsed out all three drain lines. Upon leaving, customer asked to show how to connect the Wi-Fi on their thermostats. Helped