7668 Standish Place
Rockville, MD 20855
(301) 861-0972

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for sharpsburg, md

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for sharpsburg, md

John  R.

John R. Job Checkin

John  R.

John R. Job Checkin

James C.

James C. Job Checkin

Luis C.

Luis C. Job Checkin

larry 830-1130 DO NOT DROP Portable Extinguishers Inspection ***NEW CUSTOMER 7/2017*** Annual Inspection Extinguisher Equip Desc: Inspect (40) Exts Deficiency: Number of Extinguishers Left at Job: 1

Dwayne  B.

Dwayne B. Job Checkin

04/29 Sch w Larry 130-2 Kitchen Suppression Inspection ***NEW CUSTOMER 7/2017*** Semi-Annual Inspection Kitchen Equip Desc: Inspect (1) Ansul 3 Gal. System Inoperable Deficiency for Ansul R102 3 gallon Right side of hood: Ansul 3 gallon: No alarm or bell interlocked to fire suppression system. Exhaust fan not interlocked to fire suppression system