5402 Tower Rd
Tallahassee, FL 32303

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for perry, fl

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for perry, fl

Liam S.

Liam S. Job Checkin

Today, I arrived on site to perform winter maintenance on the HVAC equipment. Equipment Condition: * Overall equipment condition is good. * Indoor unit located in the closet, type is air handler. * Outdoor unit located on the side of the house, type is heat pump. Filtration: * Customer declined filters and will provide their own. * Filter size is 20x25. Indoor Coil: * Condition is good and clean. * Brush cleaned today. Outdoor Coil: * Condition is good and clean. * Cleaned today. Electrical Components: * Tested and inspected the following components, all working properly: * Blower Motor * Inducer Draft Motor * Heat Strip Kit * Condenser Fan Motor * Compressor * Blower Run Capacitor * Compressor Run Capacitor * Contactor * Electrical Wiring * No components found not working properly. System Inspection: * Inspected and confirmed the following components are in good condition: * Blower Wheel * Primary Drain Pan * Secondary Drain Pan * Electrical wires secur

Aidan D.

Aidan D. Job Checkin

Today I performed a wintertime tuneup on your Bosch air conditioning unit in Perry. Everything is working properly at this time. View visual findings from this job here - https://visionshare.xoi.io/?id=XA-2621-BF162330FF0C46F5942DD76C105E9342

Sheldon W.

Sheldon W. Job Checkin

I did a summertime tuneup on your bosh inverter everything is working properly at this time in cooling mode

Raymond P.

Raymond P. Job Checkin

Today I performed a summertime tune up on your Bosch heat pump unit. Everything is working properly at this time. Thank you for your business. Perry FL

Jacob H.

Jacob H. Job Checkin

Today we performed a winter time tune up on your Tappan heat pump unit,everything is working properly at this time .Tallahassee FL