

AI Review Sentiment Analysis

by Cian Chang on December 11, 2024

We are proud to announce our new AI Review Sentiment Analysis for both your Google reviews and your Nearby Now reviews!

Once you have enough reviews, Nearby Now AI will analyze what your customers are saying and provide a simple summary. You'll get separate summaries for your Google reviews, and for your Nearby Now reviews.

We will automatically add the Nearby Now review summary to every page on your website you have integrated to show your Nearby Now reviews. And we will take advantage of a new feature of review schema to make sure the summary is properly encoded for the search engines.

What does this mean for you? It means that we make sure the search engine can see the summary, can recognize it for what it is, and can tell how it relates to your overall review count and average data on every page. Just as we always have since 2010. So you get the credit. Not just for every single review, but now also for the unique summary of your reviews.

Once again, we're not just checking the AI buzzword box. We're delivering another great Nearby Now AI feature that advances your core mission in using Nearby Now: better rankings and reputation in all the places that matter most to your business.

If you don't have enough reviews to power a summary, we'll just leave the summary off your city pages. But if you do, it will display right below the review counts and average information like this:

Example of AI Review Overviews on Integrated Webpage

We will also make the AI generated review summaries available on your reporting Dashboard. The Nearby Now review summary on your Nearby Now tab. And the Google review summary on your Google tab.

Example of AI Review Sentiment Analysis in the Admin Portal

How do you take advantage?

Visit your Nearby Now reporting Dashboard now to see your Nearby Now and Google review summaries. Or, visit any page on your website that you've integrated with Nearby Now to show Nearby Now reviews to see the Nearby Now review summary.

Please note that the Google review summary requires that you integrate at least one Google Business Profile with Nearby Now for review reporting.

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