This company will have my business and recommendations because they truly care about their customers and do a great job! Thank you
Performed diagnostic and thermostat replacement on Lennox equipment.
Performed diagnostic on equipment and measured system specs.
Performed AC maintenance. Washed condenser coils with coil cleaner and water. Checked compressor and fan motor amperage, everything looked great. The contactor had 240 volts going across the terminals. There was a zoning pressure switch error code on the S30 thermostat. We fixed the issue by installing a jumper on the zone board. That issue is now fixed. The refrigerant levels looked good and the AC is in excellent condition.
Installed new S30 Tstat. Parts were also installed on condenser and furnace. All parts have 1 year warranty and s30 has 10 year warranty. System is fully operational upon departure
Arrived on site to perform spring tune up on a 2014 lennox unit. Client stated no issues just wanted to check pressure. Condenser located in back yard furnace and Evaporator coil located in attic. Washed condenser coil inside and out. Primary starter is okay a bit worn out secondary motor control is good and in range. Fan motor is good checked compressor start up amps and was over amping on start up as it pulled 124 and max rated at 108. Advised not good and recommended adding a compressor booster kit to to prevent hard start ups. Run amps are good and in range. He led pressure and are good and cooling home at 20 degrees. Replaced filter and drain lines were clear at this time. Client supplied his own filter. No protection on either u it and recommended adding surge protectors on unit due to communicating , variable speed and zoned systems. Clips aware and did declined recommended work at this. Client also stated he would call in office to renew Plan. Client is aware how system runnin
Replaced blower motor and motor control module under parts warranty. Tested equipment on cooling and measured temperatures.
Tested both heating and cooling system. Checked filter. Recorded voltages and temperatures. Tested motors. Tested ignitor. Cleaned flame sensor. Tested thermostat. Verified refrigerant charge. Replaced outdoor discharge thermistor. Tested capacitor and contactor.
Diagnosed defective discharge line temperature sensor. Bypassed switch to test system and recorded refrigerant pressures. Systems is operating properly. Amp draws recorded, tested run capacitor. Need to replaced switch under parts warranty.
Arrived on site to perform fall tune up on a 2013 Lennox system. Furnace and evaporator coil located in attic. Client stated no issues and was good cycled heating mode on and good. Filter was due for replacement but client stated it’s okay and will leave it in. Recommend replacing to reduce dirt entering system and airflow restriction to creat stress wear on motor. Found new flex ducting used and good condition. Blower assembly good dust accumulating. Motor is good and amp drawls are in range. inducer motor is good and amp draws are in range. Coil is good. Heat exchanger is good. All safety switches are operational. Drain lines good slight debris accumulating Indicating dust and debris is entering system over time. Temperature rise is good and in range. Voltage of furnace at 122. No protection on high efficient system. Recommend adding surge protectors to prevent system from getting damaged from electrical surges and power outages that can damage or short out components or even s
Performed routine spring maintenance on Lennox in Huntington beach
Two system Carrier Ac maintenance in Huntington Beach.
Furnace maintenance in Huntington Beach
Performed routine spring maintenance on lennox unit in Huntington beach
Air conditioning maintenance in Huntington Beach
Gated community in Huntington beach routine check uo