Arrived onsite and she brought us to the kitchen where she showed me the outlet genny put in and asked me if i could move it because her drywall/plaster guy couldn’t refinish the drywall with it as recessed as she put it, so i moved it out so when the plates on, it is perfectly flush with the drywall. Then we discussed the kitchen light which was an old metal box style light. After taking it down( it was falling out of the ceiling at this point) i found 3 wires junction and then the main wire to the light. I disconnected that box from the old fixture which was just an 8b, and stacked it with the new 8b that was rated for fans with a ring and brought a new wire down for a connector. I was able to set it up so then junction was accessible but there was one 14/2 wire cooking down to hookup to the light. I set it as flush with the plaster as I could given the mesh in the ceiling and how thick the plaster was there, the box would only grip at a certain point. I got that in place and level,