2011 Carrier Infiniti heating ESA PMI silver plan inspection Immediately upon arrival and opening of the furnace cabinet door heavy puddling of water was found pooling below the exhaust blower assembly. Water drips were witnessed in the vicinity of the left hand side drain nipple but the actually could not be positively identified. Pulled combustion blower assembly for water leak inspection and resealing of the blower housing in that vicinity. During inspections with motor assembly out of the equipment a torn hose was also found on the bottom side of the trap assembly inlet nipple. Temporarily addressed the torn hose and reassembled equipment for the remainder of the heating equipment PMI Resurface flame sensor and inspect ignition system Test run equipment and heat mode Test run humidifier water flow, #10 water panel is not new but is in good condition, percentage set to 45 on carrier Infinity control Clean water, wire brush the rust, treat with rustoleum paint provided by home