We Replaced existing blue poly water line with 1” black poly , bore under driveway and installed new line to the Back of garage connected to existing main water line , hose bib repair and replacement with new hose bib in new location
Attempted to locate leak on service line. Too much noise interference to use leak detection, attempted to find by digging. Referred homeowner to national leak detect
Replace 40 gallon gas water heater on stand in utility closet. Extra care when replacing due to CPVC Piping directly underneath. Install new 2.1 gallon thermal expansion tank required by Georgia plumbing code. Replace three-quarter inch PRV on CPVC pipe. Replace shower cartridge in master bathroom. Discount Only applies if all items are approved.
Clogged main line , attempted to clear from 6” clean out , unsuccessful due to bigger problem
Shower repair. Rebuilt a three handle shower valve because it was leaking. I replaced the old valve with a new one and tested it to make sure it was working properly.