1762 S Dixie Hwy #2
Crete, IL 60417

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for geneva, il

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for geneva, il

Bob S.

Bob S. Job Checkin

Televised sewer from outside clean out approximately 42 ft to city main. Sewer had heavy roots at many joints from clean out to main. Sewer looks to have been replaced going into the house to PVC. Suggest lining from clean out to just before city main to prevent future root growth.

Bob S.

Bob S. Job Checkin

A televised sewer inspection from the inside clean-out on the stack revealed about 106 feet of pipe leading to the city main. The inspection showed scale buildup in the 4” cast iron pipe, along with roots growing at most joints up to 76 feet. To prevent future root intrusion and smooth out the cast iron pipe, installing a sewer liner is recommended. A senior discount is available for this service.

Kevin W.

Kevin W. Job Checkin

Sewer line repair service call. Lined 6” sewer line approximately 30’ downstream from outside cleanout ending prior to city main. Lined 6” sewer line approximately 30’ upstream from outside cleanout ending in 4” cast iron pipe.

Kevin W.

Kevin W. Job Checkin

We are lining over an old abandoned sewer service tap in the city main.

Bob S.

Bob S. Job Checkin

Video inspection of sewer line showed that sewer has crack and root growth. Suggest sewer be lined in order to restore structure to the sewer and keep roots from growing back in the future.