1004 Saunders Ln
West Chester, PA 19380

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for tinicum township, pa

Michael K.

Michael K. Job Checkin


Py  R.

Py R. Job Checkin

Good morning. For today's Spotted Lanternfly aaplication, I treated the trunks and large branches of threes and shrubs. This application provides immediate knock down as well as a 25-30 day residual control. Have a great day.

Michael K.

Michael K. Job Checkin

Applied flea and tick control

Michael K.

Michael K. Job Checkin

Applying fertilizer and sprayed weeds

Py  R.

Py R. Job Checkin

Good morning, Mrs. Remshard. For today's Spotted Lanternfly aaplication, I treated the trunks and large branches of threes and shrubs. This application provides immediate knock down as well as a 25-30 day residual control. Have a great day.

Randy O.

Randy O. Job Checkin
