82 John Street
Westminster, MD 21157
(410) 876-6800

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Local Reviews
for smithsburg, md

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 4 customer reviews

Always great service

Always reliable, never have to worry about a delivery. Friendly and professional.

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Great Service

Very easy transaction. Answered all of my questions and was very prompt.

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Great Service

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Still with same oil company after 30 years

Always delivers

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Job Locations
for smithsburg, md

Larry S.

Larry S. Job Checkin

Completed a Fuel Oil Delivery as part of the service to a customer

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Home heating oil delivery companies

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Completed a Fuel Oil Delivery as part of the service to a customer

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Completed a Fuel Oil Delivery as part of the service to a customer

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Completed a Fuel Oil Delivery as part of the service to a customer

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Completed a Fuel Oil Delivery as part of the service to a customer

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Completed a Fuel Oil Delivery as part of the service to a customer

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Completed a Fuel Oil Delivery as part of the service to a customer

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Completed a Fuel Oil Delivery as part of the service to a customer

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Helped a residential customer with his inquiry for a fuel oil delivery

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Helped a residential customer with his inquiry for a fuel oil delivery

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Helped a residential customer with his inquiry for a fuel oil delivery

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Helped a residential customer with his inquiry for a fuel oil delivery

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Winter heating fuel delivery service to a residential customer

Elay E.

Elay E. Job Checkin

Thank you for choosing Tevis to be you home heating oil provider