1762 S Dixie Hwy #2
Crete, IL 60417

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for lincolnwood, il

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for lincolnwood, il

Bob S.

Bob S. Job Checkin

Televised storm sewer system from two basins in the back yard and also from the clean out in the front yard. System looks in tact with no cracks separations or holes.

John R.

John R. Job Checkin

Cleaned section of 4” cast from clean out in basement to elbow under basement floor at bottom of stack, also cleaned about 2’ towards catch basin. Installed 2’x4” patch liner down stack starting at top of elbow ending at bottom of tee from catch basin, installed a 4”x4”x4” tee liner overlapping patch liner dropping down stack to top of clean out and 1’ upstream of tee towards catch basin.