Televised ducts under slab floor. Ducts are pvc ducts and have water standing in the larger diameter main runs. Provide a proposal for installing a sump pit and pump to lower the water table.
Sewer inspection service call. Televised sewer from inside clean out to city main sewer. Sewer has heavy roots at cast to clay and one other joint after that. Suggest precision cleaning with chains then installing liner to cover roots.
We are lining an old 4” cast iron sewer line from an overhead clean out in a basement.
We are applying the second application of our rubberized duct lining material to all of the underground pvc air ducts. The air ducts had mold growth on them and our duct lining material will encapsulate over the mold and keep mold from growing back in the pipe.
We are cleaning all of the underground air ducts in preparation for our duct lining process. We are then going to encapsulate all of the pvc underground duct work with our rubberized duct lining material.