82 John Street
Westminster, MD 21157
(410) 876-6800

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for greensboro, nc

Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars based on 2 customer reviews

Map of Greensboro NC

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The PEOPLE are wonderful. Helpful, kind, and nice to deal with. What you expect from small town service. HOWEVER, there is a serious lack of communication with the staff who are answering questions, and that translates to the customer. Basic information is not provided, esp. when it comes to payments. And do NOT attempt to call during non business hours (likely an answering service) if you run out of oil and payments have not posted or there are other issues. The customer service on that end is about what you would expect from any major corporation that only cares about money. "Sorry we can't help, call back on Monday". Only with the sincerity one would expect from a cut rate used car salesman. Fixes? Ensure billing and customer service are actually talking to each other. If the customer calls just TELL them they can't get a delivery until they pay 'x' amount. Again, the COMPANY people are nice. The answering service leaves much to be desired. I give one star to cost because this economy sucks. Overall experience was "meh".