6850 West 47th Tr
Mission, KS 66203
(913) 268-6822

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for holden, mo

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for holden, mo

Scott M.

Scott M. Job Checkin


Scott M.

Scott M. Job Checkin



JJ H. Job Checkin

Went for a air handler inspection today. Coil is heavy rusted. Blower motor amperage was high. Blower wheel is clean. Heat kit strips passed. Filter got changed. Thank you for choosing LBA services!

Patrick  K.

Patrick K. Job Checkin

Arrived to perform repairs. Before moving to remove and replace the reversing valve, tried a suggestion from a Goodman representative. Made adjustments to the txv downstairs and estimated the ammount of adjustment it needed. Went outside and started the heat pump. Found pressures were still skyrocketing, but the system was running longer than it has in the past. Determined that the install technician had over charged the system to achieve its supposed proper charge rating, without adjusting the txv as they should have. Started removing refrigerant until the system was balanced and heating effectively. System will need all the refrigerant removed and the txv set back to the factory position, so that it can be charged back to factory specifications. This can not be done until it is 70 degrees outside and equally warm inside.

Patrick  K.

Patrick K. Job Checkin

Arrived to remedy a system that is unable to heat the home. Upon inspection of the system set it for a call for heat. Went downstairs and felt the outside unit attempt to start up and run. Went outside and checked the heat pump. Found that the refrigerant pressures would just skyrocket. Checked operation of the heat pump outside and determined that the reversing valve is not going to the proper position. Will call and order parts and schedule a time for installation.

Scott F.

Scott F. Job Checkin

Installed warranty defrost control board and verified programming thermostat. System operating properly in cooling mode, Heat pump, and auxiliary heat mode. It is too warm inside the house and outside to run the heat pump. During the night when the cools off, there should not be any issues running the heat pump. In the event there are, auxiliary heat strips are available during the shoulder seasons to maintain temperature at night

Scott F.

Scott F. Job Checkin

Kim reported the indoor unit was making a loud noise and the outdoor unit was short cycling. Troubleshooting concluded that the defrost control board on the outdoor unit faulty and needs to be replaced. Indoor fan is set to on at the thermostat. Cooling and heat pump modes will be unavailable until a replacement defrost control board is installed under warranty. Auxiliary heat is available

Scott F.

Scott F. Job Checkin

Left VM

Scott F.

Scott F. Job Checkin

Provided options to prevent water leaking onto the floor due to the irregular drain system, duct modification to allow for smoother airflow, whole home and basement dehumidification, expansion tank for the water heater, whole home air purification, and duct cleaning and sealing services. Larry said that he wanted to wait until after he got back from Vegas at the end of August to select his preferred option. Return visit scheduled for Tuesday August 27, at 5:30pm

Robby M.

Robby M. Job Checkin

Completed AC inspection for customer. All aspects of system tested within manufacturer specifications with the exception of Super heat of refrigerant. Adjusted TXV and charge and super heat improved but I would like to double check another day just to be sure.