Left customer a voicemail regarding airflow work. Will continue to follow up.
Worked through airflow needs with the customer to reduce static pressure. He needs to look at finances and we scheduled a follow up for Tuesday 1/14
Went for a maintenance call. Tested for static pressure system, is failing. Running high than normal rating. Did replace filter for customer. As well checked blower speeds. Tested for temp split and is passing. All heat strips are passing for amperage. Did get a second pair of eyes with customer permission. Blower wheel is dirty. System is up and running before leaving. Supervisor will have solutions for customer. Thank you for choosing LBA services-Johann.
Plumbing repair. A homeowner called us because they had noticed a persistent leak under their kitchen sink. We quickly identified a worn-out pipe joint as the culprit and replaced it with a durable new fitting. After securing the repair, we tested the system, ensuring the leak was completely resolved.
Arrive to customers for an AC tuneup in during the inspection. We receive the high call on static pressure. Customer would like to revisit this next week Thursday afternoon at 12 PM.
Customer called stating system was not cooling. It was found that capacitor had failed and high pressure sensor on unit had tripped. Replaced capacitor with Turbo-cap and reset sensor. System operating normally upon departure.
AC Repair Service: Upon receiving a homeowner's complaint about frequent cycling of their AC unit, our team conducted a detailed inspection. Low refrigerant levels emerged as the primary issue, crucial for efficient cooling. To resolve this, we meticulously replenished the refrigerant to optimal levels, restoring the unit's functionality. This replacement effectively addressed the short cycling problem, providing the homeowner with consistent and reliable cooling, ensuring a comfortable home environment.
Heating System Installation: In response to a residential client's need for a new heating system, I expertly installed an energy-efficient heating system. This installation ensures reliable and cost-effective heating, meeting the homeowner's specific requirements for a comfortable living environment.
For this job, I was showing up to a repair. Upon checking the system. It was clear that the board was having electrical issues and intermittently going in and out. After checking the end-user and seeing that it was over amping immediately check the heat exchanger. Heat exchanger had multiple Issues with the eyelits coming apart and moisture leaking through as well as the cells of the heat exchanger coming off of the furnace wall. Because of this, the supervisors been called out to diagnose the problem further and come up with solutions. Replacement is definitely the best option with a system this old .