6850 West 47th Tr
Mission, KS 66203
(913) 268-6822

Local Reviews
for kansas city, mo

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 2677 customer reviews

Map of Kansas City MO

Excellent new furnace install, except...

The technician arrived for an annual furnace check-up on Thursday. Unfortunately, he found the heat exchanger had several spots of corrosion that could have been allowing carbon monoxide into the house. He was required to tag it out of service. LBA provided enough space heaters that same day to heat the house until the following Monday, when a new furnace could be installed. The previous information leads to this review of the new furnace installation. This work was done well and on time. Some duct work was needed, which was also done well, except for the filter box. The box does not seal well and looks cheap. It is a shame that all this pretty installation and high technology is great until the filter box. Just looking at the box, it looks like a $1 add-on to a multi thousand dollar project.