6850 West 47th Tr
Mission, KS 66203
(913) 268-6822

Job Locations
for lacygne, ks

Map of LaCygne KS


Job Checkin

((***/**((7(*66(((**********#&#&&#*##*#*#*# Rick, I left KC @ 12:15 and completed the call at 3:45 Please apply labor as needed *$&#&&#*@&@&@****&&*(*(*#*-$*#&#*#(*#*# During this visit I confirmed that the unit is freezing up due to low pressure at the evaporator coil. In addition to this the humiditrol control valve was checked and it was found that there was not a change of pressure in the evaporator coil if it was energized or not. The blower compartment was also checked and the airflow was comfirmed. The Y1 and Y2 control wires (A/C) were removed from the system to prevent a high humidity and possible water leaking into the building from an iced over coil. This unit is the unit that serves the lobby and the main librarian’s office. The indoor fan is still functioning. Thank you, Jon Tech notes: High side: 195.3psig (99.7f), liquid line temp 172, SC 0 Low side 56.5 (30.7f), suction line temp 70.7, SH 40 Across valve 152.7, 188, 191 (temps) Pressures through valve 195, 5