Jackie, Unit #6 that serves the auto shop is the unit located furthest to the North. This unit has an inducer motor that has failed. This motor is necessary for the proper function of this unit in heat mode. It is also needs to function for the burners to light. Due to this the unit cannot be further evaluated until the motor is functioning correctly. There has been previous modifications to the electrical wiring that serves this motor. This repair bid includes a new motor and wheels as well as the time to check the wiring to the motor for any improper wiring. New filters for this unit are also needed and are included in this estimate. Unit#5 is in need of new filters as well. In addition to this a new thermostat will be installed to replace the thermostat that has a damaged screen. This is a time plus materials estimate for the repairs and filters listed above (new filters x 16, new inducer motor and wheels, new thermostat, confirm wiring to inducer motor, check function